Outside my window...
Bitterly cold, and light snow blowing
I am thinking...
that I'm tired. It's been a long day filled with 4H stuff.
I am thankful for...
Opportunities my kids have to learn important skills.
From the learning rooms...
Not much today. That frustrates me.
From the kitchen...
Dinner the 15yo made tonight, including a veg, without parental assistance. I'm finally reaping the fruits of all those long, tedious years of allowing the kids to help in the kitchen!
I am wearing...
Jeans, my favorite turtleneck, and my favorite flannel shirt. Probably the same thing as last Monday!
I am creating...
socks. Knitted socks in wonderful, fun colors.
I am going...
Crazy? Does that count? To bed? Or to town tomorrow, with the Oldest CubKid for her reenacting.
I am reading...
Lots of 4H paperwork, Language Logic still, and blogs on organization.
I am hoping...
I can figure out why I'm not sleeping well lately.
I am hearing...
The dishwasher being loaded grudgingly, and the sewing machine running frantically, as Oldest Cubkid prepares for tomorrow.
Around the house...
Just trying to keep it together.
One of my favorite things...
My minivan. Never thought I'd say that. But it gets us to and fro in a practical way, with all the kids and their gear.
A few plans for the rest of the week...
Reenacting tomorrow, schoolwork, looking for a piano.
Here is picture thought I am sharing... Outside the winter window, my favorite bird.

Please visit Peggy's website for all the Daybook links: www.thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com!